Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Myth Of American Exceptionalism
Originally posted 5/24/06
No, it is a deep and abiding despair and fear that those with whom he disagrees, who happen to now be in power, will never again not be in power. That those who are corrupt and who have corrupted the system to work perpetually in their favor will now forever continue to reign, to the detriment of those very values and that very weltenschauung to which you refer. That is not a hatred of the United States; that is a deep and abiding love of country that recognizes that the country is in serious danger. It concerns me that otherwise intelligent and rational people fail and/or refuse to recognize that love, and twist it so severely out of its real and natural shape. It concerns me that those who disagree cannot admit of even the possibility that they might be reading Neil wrong. And it concerns me that rather than admit that possibility, those who disagree with Neil would prefer to essentially brand him a traitor, rather than recognize him as a patriot.
That was lovely. Thanks.

Of course, I despair. Any thinking person would. And my anger is associated intimately with that despair. And make no mistake, I'm angry.

Hate America? Only a loon would assert that I hate America. I am one of the few who still get chills when I stand and salute the flag. And I do that when I choose to do it, not when some shit-sucking country-western asshole thinks I should.

Some people are willing to die for their country (none of them happen to be on the Right, obviously -- check the service records of those in power if you doubt me). I happen to be willing to kill for it. Or at least that was true for fifteen years. It is no longer. For my country no longer exists because it was a country of ideals and high moral conduct. It was not a country of greed, a country of hate, a country of fucking cowards. I despise those who uphold the current "values" of 'Merka.

If that makes you uncomfortable, then you need to look at yourself. Are you a corner-cutting, cheese-whiz swilling, cheating motherfucker? Then continue to vote Republcian and live in moral shit for the rest of your days. The rest of us know who you are by the way you act and the things you support.

My concept of what America is and should be is pretty simplistic and rigid. I think America is a democratic republic that does business internally by the rules laid down in the Constitution. Further, I say America is a country where we have one set of laws for every son of a bitch here. If I have to obey the FISA law, every cocksucker in government has to obey it, too. No exceptions. Ever. I won't get into the fairness issues, because I already know the Rightie-Tighties despise fairness. Punks.

Don't like that shit? Take your asses to China, bitches.

"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP Dick "I gots other priorities, bitches" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
-- Plato


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