Originally posted 6/26/06
The use of the term chickenhawk as it was used is an insult. It is obvious that we are not on the same page here... at least to me. You are arguing that the use of an insult is ok. I am arguing the exact opposite... that no matter how well intentioned, or not, it is not ok to insult someone... It is really a simple concept.
It's OK to them to torture people. Hell, torture them to death, the Bushitters don't care. In fact, they feel BETTER if they know someone in their government is torturing people to death.
Ever wonder what it must feel like to be tortured to death? Ever wonder what kind of person can do that to another human being? Create so much pain and suffering that the other person dies, sometimes they die right there as you are touching them doing your torture? Ever wonder about that? Can you imagine the dynamics? The level of psychopathy that would require? Not just to do it once, but to do it day after day after day after day. Ever think about that?
That behavior is OK to an ass-licking Rethuglotarded chickenhawk motherfucker, but to use a word that he feels is offensive...WELL! To be responsible for the emotional distress that he feels! To have used those words and by extension have caused his suffering! That's just beyond the pale!
It's OK by them that US troops are raping and murdering 14 year old Iraqi girls. It's so fucking common that the Marine commander didn't even think it worth his time trouble to get in his Hummer to check it out. Ever wonder what it must have been like to be that family? Shot in the back of the head while praying to Dog that someone will stop this? What must the mother have felt as her infant was killed next to her? What must that little girl have felt as she was repeated violated before being killed? Did she feel "liberated," I wonder? But still, that sort of thing is OK to a Rethuglofuck. Hardly worth mentioning, really.
But goddamn it! Don't you dare impugn his courage! Don't you dare call him a word that correctly characterizes his actions! That is too uncivilized for words! Oh! The pain! The suffering! It burns! It burns!
The vile little necrotic scrotal cysts of the Rethuglofascist ilk continue to complain about the name calling. Ooh! They are so fucking offended! It's OK to kill 100,000 people who have done you no harm. It's OK to shoot people in the head while they lay there wounded. It's OK to torture brown-skinned muslims in another country. It's OK to rig elections so that the corporate elite continue to ruin your country. It's OK to do nothing as thousands in New Orleans are devastated by a hurricane that was on the news every motherfucking night for a goddamned week before it hit land as the most powerful hurricane ever. It's OK to lie to Congress. It's OK to lie to the UN. It's OK to lecture other nations on "democracy" as you rig your own elections, abrogate treaties when it suits you, ignore the UN Security Council when you feel like it. It's OK to be the fucking poster child for corrupt government all around the world.
But don't you hurt their widdy biddy feewings.
Words tend to fail me as I try to describe the level of contempt I have for those very people.
"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP Dick "I gots other priorities, bitches" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
-- Plato
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