Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The '04 Election

You know, I've been asking myself why so there are so many dickheaded jingoist pro-war assholes on this site. [Don't take it personally, unless you happen to be a dickheaded jingoist pro-war asshole, in which case, be my guest.]

I have an answer.

D/s is a power dynamic. Granted, there are those who are here simply for the kinky sex or cool clothes or whatever, but those folks are posers and in the minority. "Real" bdsm folks (it actually pains me to write "real", you have no idea) are all about exchanging power.

For the tops, we like to get power. We use power, we have no problems with taking power and humiliating the bottoms of the world. I think that's why so many tops are pro-war, pro-Shrub, and fundamentally fascist in their political outlook.

Bottoms like to give up their power. They have a need to submit to a powerful person, someone who will hurt them and take what they have. This is why so many of them are pro-war, pro-Bush, and have a fundamentally fascist political outlook.

For those of us who are able to rise about our sexual choices and not conflate a stripping of our civil rights with a consensual act, kudos. You know who you are.

For all y'all dickheaded jingoist pro-war assholes: Kiss my native-born manly masculine veteran American ass. You pervs wil be the first to go when the Shrub needs another issue to "activate the base." Hell, I may write him a letter myself.

Why yes, I *am* an agent of Satan, though my duties are largely ceremonial.


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