Originally posted 9/8/06
I do.thezigg:
Nope dont remember the date of katrina.
August 31st, 2005. [yeah, I was off a day, so sue me]
I was there.
Shitty McFuckstick was in San Diego, playing air guitar for a Gooper-fuck fundraiser.
The next day, September 1st, 2005, Prezidiot McFuckstick journeyed to Arizona where he shared birthday cake with his bitch John "It's OK if you call my adopted daughter an illegitimate nigger bitch while I suck your flaccid cock" McCain as thousands of people were stranded in attics and on rooftops.
I remember it vividly. The oppressive heat. The lack of electricity. The lack of gasoline. The devastation. The dead people in the water. The living people jammed into wherever could keep them alive and out of the weather.
I remember the shots from the SuperDome. I remember the shots from the all-white Louisiana deputies keeping those darkies from marching OUT of New Orleans. I remember the gutless fucking New Orleans cops.
I remember Michael Brown's emails about how he got a new shirt and didn't he look good in it as thousands were without homes, without medical care, without hope.
I remember when YOUR prezidiot couldn't be fucking bothered to watch the goddamned evening news. I remember his staff had to make his pathetic ass a DVD to watch on Air Force One.
I remember him pretending to be a leader, stomping around a devastated New Orleans with a group of stage-prop fire-fighters who could have been out doing something useful, but instead were required to tag along with the Shithead-In-Chief as part of the mobile photo-op.
I remember living on MREs for months because there was very little else available. I remember the 6pm curfews. I remember seeing people's houses ripped off the foundations, roofs gone, windows gone, walls missing. I remember that my apartment was in the first line of structures that were still standing. Everything south of me was gone. I remember that the guy who worked next to lost everything.
I remember how the FEMA people were such pussies. They wouldn't go out into southern Mississippi without a goddamned COMPANY of National Guard infantry to "protect" them. I remember the National Guard people giving the FEMA people the finger and flying food and ice out in helicopters at 100 times the cash cost to deliver needed supplies to people who were quite literally sleeping the motherfucking mud next to what USED to be their home.
I remember the stupid rules about who could get ice and who couldn't. I remember people not being allowed to run into New Orleans with their own boats to rescue people off housetops. I remember the guy whose wife was dragged off the roof by the current during the second day of the flooding. Dragged right out of his hands. I remember the look on his face as he told people about it. I remember the government's response to it -- nothing.
I remember the guy I worked with who lost everything the year before he was to retire. I remember people who had just bought a new house in an area that was NOT supposed to flood and their house was just gone. I remember their shit-swilling ass-cheese insurance agents who refused to pay off because it was "water-damage" and not "wind-damage." I also remember the croooked fucking insurance agents who offered to write some people a $4,000 check, "Just sign here," but if you read the form, you gave up all rights to any sort of settlement by accepting that check.
I remember Katrina well.
I also remember the response by the Republicans. Those in the field, those in their air conditioned offices, and those on here.
Fuck you all.
"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP Dick "I gots other priorities, bitches" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
-- Plato
it's too bad this post can't be broadcast to every american of voting age from today until the election.
Welcome, I am not star jones. There really are words for young people who love war yet refuse to sacrifice anything for it
We call them chickenhawks and Yellow Elephants.
No need to thank me. ;-)
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