Monday, October 23, 2006

Why I despise Republicans
Originally posted 5/6/06


The party of death.

The party of torture.

The party of assassination.

The party of kidnapping.

The party of extortion.

The party of imprisonment (for all but their own, of course).

The party of corruption (anyone seen my $9 BILLION?).

The party of hypocrites.

The party of denial.

The party of felons.

The party of invasions.

The party of beating cab drivers to death.

The party of shooting wounded prisoners in the head.

The party of election rigging.

The party of SCROTUS packing.

The party of the police state.

The party of lies.

The party of hate.

Republicans HATE poor people.

Republicans HATE women.

Republicans HATE gays.

Republicans HATE people with brown skins.

Republicans HATE reality.

Republicans HATE the earth.

Republicans HATE me, and they HATE you.

So, in case you were wondering why I despise Republicans, I thought I'd drop you a little reminder.

"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP Dick "I gots other priorities, bitches" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
-- Plato


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