Saturday, September 08, 2007

Rich bitches and why they suck shit.

Just in case any of you are wondering why I fucking hate rich motherfuckers, I thought I'd take a moment and state the ass-numbingly obvious so even a Gooper will get it.

OK, the Goopers won't ever get it; I was kidding about that part.

Rich motherfuckers have more than their fair share of resources. I would think that's pretty obvious from the definition of "rich," but there are an unbelievable number of ill-educated stupid people right here in Dog's Own 'Merkin Paradise On Earth and sometimes you just have to break it down into single syllables.

More than their fair share. That's right, bitches. More. Not like ten or fifteen percent more, thousands and tens of thousands of times more. So much more, in fact, that the rich don't consider the likes of me -- or you -- to be quite human. Certainly not as human as they are. Which is why they are perfectly happy to let you die in a box under a bridge, homeless, hacking your lungs out with 19th century illnesses, and owing any future earnings to some soul-sucking group of corporate hacks somewhere.

I had some moron tell me the other day that he loves rich people because rich people give him jobs. I had to ask him, "Chauffeur? Cook? Butler? Gardner? Upstairs Fuck Maid?" Rich motherfuckers did not hire him. He worked at the same soul-destroying corporation I did. There were no rich people working there. Not a single one. He was hired by a middle-middle-class guy who thought he needed my guy's vastly over-hyped services. Stupid is one thing, incompetent is something else entirely; but my guy was a double threat. Triple, actually, as he liked Jeebus and the TSA. So, loon as well as stupid and incompetent. Classic Gooper. But I digress.

OK, so I assert that to be rich, one must have some ridiculously out-sized amount of resources, usually denominated in dollars. Some obscenely disproportionate amount of stuff that were it distributed fairly would allow poor people and their children to live, get educated, and perhaps even feed themselves. Fucking Bill Gates is a good example. Never gave so much as a dime to charity until the late '90s when he finally figured out one of the reasons normal people hated his guts. Then he did the usual thing and set up a "charity" that would be run by him and his fambly in perpetuity. Whatever. Richard Mellon-fucking Scaif is another one. Never worked a day in his shit-sucking life. Turd-ball from the beginning. Hates Clintons. Fears the penis or something. I never understood the moronity that is a Goopers emotional dysfunction.

But, back to basic principles. Those in society who have a disproportionate amount of the wealth of a society have a moral obligation to use that concentration of wealth, and therefore power, for the improvement of society. Whether by actively managing their resources to improve society as the arch shit-sucker Carnegie did, or by setting up foundations to work on various social problems, or in the simplest way possible, by paying fucking taxes. This is diametrically opposed to the current behavior we see from the walking evil that are America's rich today. They rant about having to pay any taxes at all. They cheat; they lie; they steal. There are no repercussions for rich motherfuckers. No, I don't believe Ken Lay is dead. Entirely too fucking "convenient" for me.

So, those rich ass-licks who do nothing have made a decision to allow poor people and poor children to die from neglect. They fight against any sort of social responsibility. They hate you. They hate me. They wish we would just die quietly. I despise them.

Are we as a society obligated in any way to preserve the wealth, power, and privileges of a tiny hate-filled minority? I say no. Take their money. Take their power. Eliminate their privileges. Stand up, people. Take back your dignity. Do what it takes to regain the America of our dreams.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I see that bitch Hillary read my blog and changed her tune.


Maybe next I should write about that he-man slut-bucket John "I didn't know she was a hooker" McCaine.

Anyway, back on the topic du jour. Gutless DLC fucks and the unutterably illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq and the continuing debacle of occupation.

What the fuck does it take? Will no one give a shit until THEIR OWN PERSONAL FUCKSPAWN DIE?

"Oh, my! We can't just abandon the Iraqi people! Oh!"

Right. We simply MUST continue bombing them, torturing them, and shooting them. What sort of moronic logic dictates that we can't leave Iraq? It might make some slight sense if there had been even the tiniest of decent reasons for the invasion, but there were none. Yes, Congress-persons like Hillary (and MANY others) look fucking stupid for buying that shit and voting for the invasion (multiple times), but hey, life is like that. You fuck up, apologize, clean up the mess and move on.

I haven't seen anything more than the fuck up.

Oh, and no, there is not one fucking reason why we can't just yank our incredibly stupid troops right the fuck back out of Iraq in the very same "shock and awe" manner in which they fucking arrived.

"Oooh! He said the troops are stupid!"

Yes, I did. Speaking as a fifteen year veteran of the infantry myself, I'm telling you straight up, willing participation in an illegal war is stupid. Torturing people is stupid. Raping the local schoolgirls is stupid. Shooting wounded enemies in the head from six inches away is stupid. Shooting wounded enemies with 30mm chain guns after they are already down is a war crime, which is also stupid. Beyond stupid. It's contemptible.

Not that you care.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Other Corporate Fucktards

Hillary or Some Rethuglofascist To Be Named Later?

Is there a difference? Yes, of course there is. Hillary isn't quite the shit-swilling moron that one has to be in order to rationalize being a Rethuglofascist in this day and age. But she is still pro-corporate. She is still pro-war. She is still a part of the problem, in my exquisitely humble opinion.

I'm not sure you people get it, but I am not one of the tactical Kossacks that is stuck in the mire of small-unit maneuvering to achieve some short-term goal. I am not absorbed in the minutia of day-to-day parliamentary squabbling. I despise that shit.

What I do have is decades of thinking and reading about what people do and why they do it. I understand who runs my country, and it isn't the little old ladies who vote regularly. It most assuredly isn't people like me. Those who run my country are amoral corporate fucktards, not to put too fine a point on it. They are the ones who control the uncounted (and unaccounted for) billions, no, trillions of dollars of corporate cash flows, directing that unearned largesse into the "campaign" funds of the various and sundry lick-spittle toadies (like Joe Biden) who will roll over in a femptosecond to knob whatever clique of money-loving ass-maggots is dangling the dollar-carrot in front of his Pavlovian ass.

And Hillary is one of them. She, like Bill before her, is a DLC Democrat. Which is simply another way of labeling a corporate whore.

I'm sure she's a nice person. I'm sure she dresses well and keeps immaculate house , but look at where she raises money. Not from me. Not from people like me. She gets her money the old fashioned way, by whoring to the corporate elite who have already shown that they do not even consider working people to be human. How many children of Exxon executives do you suppose have died in Iraq? Zero would be an excellent guess.

So, really, is Hillary any better than, oh, say Saint John McCain? Senator "I can't knob Bush long enough or hard enough or publically enough even though he called my child a bastard by a black woman in South Carolina and I haven't spine enough to call him on that shit" McCain? Or the cousin-marrying, mistress-fucking-in-the-governors-mansion Rude Judy Guiliani? Please. Or Newt "I divorce all my cancer-patient bitch wives while they are still recovering from cancer surgery before they notice my banging the latest in a long series of mistresses in my limo while parked in the Congressional Parking Garage" Gingrich? No, not really. She just pretties up the corporate control of our government.

I'm like this: The rich fucktards who own and run the government deserve no camouflage. The TV-watching idiots of America need to get the message that they themselves are partly responsible for this shit and they need to Wake The Fuck Up (tm). Dressing up this kind of governmental/corporate abuse to make it a bit prettier and easier to swallow is simply not a part of my agenda. I'd rather have the naked and unadored ass-fucking of America continue until there is not a single soul here who lacks understanding of the situtation or their responsibility for it.

Lets talk about corporate fascists.

We have the "new" Blogger. Can I keep my old login and password? Well, no. I now have to bare my soul to Google. Yes, Google. The same company that sucks Chinese government dick. The same company that would sell me out to the Rethuglofascist motherfuckers in something less than a nanosecond. That Google. I do not care for Google. More specifically, I have zero respect for the corporate thugs who run Google (and every other corporation in the world).

Here's a sweet detail. I'm Neil Bitch, right? Says so at the top. So, following the unavoidable dictates of the Blogger fascists, I have to sign up for some ass-swilling Google account. Can't NOT do it and maintain my blog. Assholes. So, I sign up and I want my login, neil_bitch. Can't have it. Can't even have neil.bitch. Nope. But I can have fascistlover. Does that tell you anything? Told me everything I needed to know about these bastards.

So, the corporate geniuses at Google have determined that some little old ladies in Peoria would be outraged if they had to read the word "bitch" but wouldn't even turn a hair if they read "fascist lover." I despise these people.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Impeaching The Thief In Chief

If we do not impeach Bush, as no one impeached that shit-licking ass-maggot Nixon, then America is doomed.

What that says is that impeachment is a tool only for political fuck-around and is not a serious procedure for serious crimes. We will gladly impeach some guy over a blowjob, but we won't impeach Pol Pot Junior?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

It is a critical matter of principle in the history of this country. By passing on impeaching this criminal fuck you are saying that the US is worthless, that Bush is right, and that you have no moral center because you'd have done the same in his place.

I would NOT have done the same in his place. It crystal clear that the things he has done are monstrously criminal. Either we have the sack as a people to do the right thing, or we are pathetic failures.

I say we impeach Bush, Cheney, and every other dog-forsaken piece of shit Rethuglofascist who has even been in the same room with those motherfuckers.

What say you, bitches?

"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP Dick "I gots other priorities, bitches" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
-- Plato

Thursday, November 02, 2006

For those against America
Originally posted 4/5/03

Soldat, I'm not using fascist as an insult. I am being factual. What they advocate is straight out of Websters:

Main Entry: fas·cism
Pronunciation: 'fa-"shi-z&m also 'fa-"si-
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
Date: 1921
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

I've pointed this out several times on several different threads. Contrary to the fascist advocates, NJMaster1, ceanthia, neema_girl, LeCrow, Mauser, etc, think, the US is still governed by the Constitution and that Constitution guarantees certain rights, irrespective of the tools who may be in power at the moment. First among these rights is the freedom of speech, the freedom to peaceably assemble. The right, my friend, to dissent, to say the government is wrong and that we should throw the bums out.

This right is enshrined not just in the Bill of Rights, but also in our culture. Check out Henry David Thoreau, the father of civil disobedience here in the US.

Those who advocate the disassembly of our rights are not true Americans in my view. They may well live here and have citizenship here, but they have lost what it means to be free.

Feel free to dig out what irony you can here; I'm not opposed to that. I'll not comment on the irony of an old-school conservative defending people who espouse views so strongly opposed to what you and I have defended.

What goes around comes around as you well know, and I didn't start this shit. But I will definitely be around for the finish.

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable.
-- Teddy Roosevelt during WWI

Cut & Run = Partial Birth Abortion
Originally posted 2 November 06

Why, you ask? What could those two things possibly have in common?

The Republicans think you are stupid enough to fall for both. Fortunately for Karl, he's right about most of you idiots.

There is no such thing as "partial birth abortion." Never was. Never will be. It's a tag they hang on a legitimate medical operation for the purposes of manipulating the shit-for-brains morons of the Right. Works, too. They are dumber than dogshit.

"Cut and run" is another tag hung onto another perfectly legitimate operation. Leaving. I.e., redeploying your illegally and immorally occupying army after they've already raped, pillaged, killed, maimed, and tortured enough people with brown skins to make the Oily Rethuglican Jesus happy. Which, I have it on good authority, he is.

Again, Rove and company think you are so fucking stupid that you'll agree with him once you've heard the phrase a few million times, which you will because you are so fucking stupid you listen to Fucks Gnus.

In summary, those who believe that leaving Iraq after illegally and immorally invading and murdering every brown-skinned person in sight, from newborns to elders, are the same group of stupids who believe that late term abortions of dead fetuses is a bad thing.

Hope all you motherfuckers die screaming. Hope all your kids get sent to Iraq. You've earned it.

"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP Dick "I gots other priorities, bitches" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
-- Plato

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Crimes Against Humanity By Our Heros
Originally posted 7/24/06

It's called war,turkey.

Abuses by one side in a conflict, no matter how vile, do not justify violations by the other side. This is a fundamental principle of the laws of war, which you should know.

Some here may recall the Nuremberg Trials from their history. The winners of WWII held trials and firmed up the existing international laws regarding acceptable conduct in a time of war by all participants.

Winston Churchill, of all people, wanted to summarily execute captured German leaders. The US pressured him to back off. Isn't it interesting how times have changed? Now Poopypants wants to kill everyone (especially those who know where the bodies are buried).

I get this mild urge to spit on those who advocate, encourage, and support violations of the laws of land warfare, including the Geneva Conventions, regardless of their ostensible motives. It's better than the nearly overpowering urge I used to have to backhand the bitches. Who says there's no progress these days?

You know whats funny Neil, It could have been the otherway around. If the german gamble at the Ardeens offensive payed off, the allies would have been cut in half giving the Nazis more time to finish with their bomb and used it on Zukovs boys. Then they would have built their New York bomber and finished off Manhattan. It's true,such a bomber was in the works. Then the war crime trials would have been with Ameicans and Soviets on the defence. History is written by the victorious,not the vanquished. You get it turkey?

So what? I won't even go into the more obvious demographic and industrial issues that would have made it impossible for the Germans to continue the war into the US, even assuming that the Allies lost the war (an incredibly unlikely event if you look at the comparative logistics).

Lets assume the Germans won the war. Now. How is acting like a total amoral asshole going to help those who survived? You wouldn't even make it to trial, obviously. Either someone in your platoon (probably your platoon leader), someone on the battlefield, or some random guard would kill you. What about everyone else? Does it make sense for the losing side to break every rule in the book? Do you somehow think that the winning side is going to forgive and forget?

Surely you aren't so stupid as to think that breaking the rules of land warfare will somehow intimidate the other side into losing? Major wars are won and lost on logistics, not whether one guns down unarmed military aged males. Minor wars are won and lost on (and I know this is going to hurt) perceived morality, the winner being the one with the highest morality, not the one that decapitates the most infants. And the US has lost every minor war except one in the past thirty years BECAUSE of that immorality that you demonstrate on here time after time. The one win? Kosovo, where the US and NATO demonstrated appropriate morality.

The war in Afghanistan is lost. The war in Iraq is lost. The war in Lebanon is lost. Not "will be." Not "might be." Is. Has been. Everyone on the ground in those places is utterly convinced of the rightness of their position because they have been violated in every possible way. The aggressors, us, are aware of this and we know that we are wrong. It translates on the ground. It always has; it always will.

Not, of course, that you get it.

"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP Dick "I gots other priorities, bitches" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
-- Plato

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Myth Of American Exceptionalism (the OP)
Originally posted 5/19/06

I just read a piece on Yahoo News that when combined with a post alma made got me thinking about that disgusting bullshit justification that is bandied about so fucking freely. How 'Merkins are so much better, morally, than other peoples. The myth of American exceptionalism. It's crap.

Take this juicy bit from Yahoo. Prisoners in Gitmo have been so abused, so tortured, that they now work together to commit suicide. Ain't we proud? How many other countries can claim to have such exceptionalism? The Nazis of the 1940s, perhaps.

Of course, that is just one (of hundreds) incident. I'm absolutely positive that the Rightie-Tighties will ignore this. After all, their entire world falls apart if they partake in any way of reality. Brings a whole new light to their strict belief in the myth of how Adam and Steve were banned from the Garden of Eden, doesn't it? In Rethuglicania, as in the Garden of Eden, any amount of self-knowledge or knowledge of the world is punished by banning. Shunning, if you will.

For those of us not stuck in some evil system of denial it is quite clear. Americans are no better than anyone else in the world. None. Not even slightly. We kill, maim, torture, imprison, and worse. We shoot women and children in the back of the head while they pray. We make shit up as a pretext to invade. Then we take what we want, shit on the rest, and dare anyone to so much as protest.

The United States is my country. I was born here. I defended it for fifteen years. I am ashamed of how we act now. I have nothing but contempt for those who support this shit.

"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP Dick "I gots other priorities, bitches" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
-- Plato

The Myth Of American Exceptionalism
Originally posted 5/24/06
No, it is a deep and abiding despair and fear that those with whom he disagrees, who happen to now be in power, will never again not be in power. That those who are corrupt and who have corrupted the system to work perpetually in their favor will now forever continue to reign, to the detriment of those very values and that very weltenschauung to which you refer. That is not a hatred of the United States; that is a deep and abiding love of country that recognizes that the country is in serious danger. It concerns me that otherwise intelligent and rational people fail and/or refuse to recognize that love, and twist it so severely out of its real and natural shape. It concerns me that those who disagree cannot admit of even the possibility that they might be reading Neil wrong. And it concerns me that rather than admit that possibility, those who disagree with Neil would prefer to essentially brand him a traitor, rather than recognize him as a patriot.
That was lovely. Thanks.

Of course, I despair. Any thinking person would. And my anger is associated intimately with that despair. And make no mistake, I'm angry.

Hate America? Only a loon would assert that I hate America. I am one of the few who still get chills when I stand and salute the flag. And I do that when I choose to do it, not when some shit-sucking country-western asshole thinks I should.

Some people are willing to die for their country (none of them happen to be on the Right, obviously -- check the service records of those in power if you doubt me). I happen to be willing to kill for it. Or at least that was true for fifteen years. It is no longer. For my country no longer exists because it was a country of ideals and high moral conduct. It was not a country of greed, a country of hate, a country of fucking cowards. I despise those who uphold the current "values" of 'Merka.

If that makes you uncomfortable, then you need to look at yourself. Are you a corner-cutting, cheese-whiz swilling, cheating motherfucker? Then continue to vote Republcian and live in moral shit for the rest of your days. The rest of us know who you are by the way you act and the things you support.

My concept of what America is and should be is pretty simplistic and rigid. I think America is a democratic republic that does business internally by the rules laid down in the Constitution. Further, I say America is a country where we have one set of laws for every son of a bitch here. If I have to obey the FISA law, every cocksucker in government has to obey it, too. No exceptions. Ever. I won't get into the fairness issues, because I already know the Rightie-Tighties despise fairness. Punks.

Don't like that shit? Take your asses to China, bitches.

"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP Dick "I gots other priorities, bitches" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
-- Plato

The Myth Of American Exceptionalism
Originally posted 5/24/06
Six! (And ditto on redbrat's comments, which I snipped for brevity.)

Here's the grand irony about Neil. If you look at his background, he's everything that should have become a Republican. In his 40s. Computer-ish sort making a decent income. Working-class family background. From the southeast. Has ties to a farming community. Was in the military for fifteen years. Dude, Neil is the Republican demographic.

But somewhere they lost him.

You know where? I read the actual Constitution. I read the actual Declaration of Independence. I wanted my life to count for something. I decided that if I was going to go around the world shooting at people, I wanted to shoot at the right bunch of people. I believed that there is a right and a wrong. And I'm pretty clear on which is which, unlike some others here.

For any decent human being, it takes only one exposure to the ugliness of being wrong to see the end results. Kill one wrong person, for whatever reason, and it'll haunt you for the rest of your life. Or so I'm told. I like my sleep, thankyouveryfuckingmuch. I've lived with those who had no ability to discriminate morally. I'm not comfortable with them. You always know in the back of your mind that you'll have to take them down at some point or you won't be able to live with yourself.

Against my will, I seem to have been born with some rudimentary conscience. At least in the larger, political scheme of things. Make no mistake. I still enjoy what I enjoy in terms of kink, but my kink partners are consensual. Few of us are consensually being fucked politically.

I'm no preacher, but I know it's wrong to kill, maim, and ass-[*****] for military advantage. Which, for reasons that I don't understand, puts me in a minority here. How sick is that?

"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP Dick "I gots other priorities, bitches" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are.
-- Plato