Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Official Neil_Bitch Roadmap Out Of Iraq

Just in case you guys want a way out within my lifetime.

George "Captain Bunnypants" Bush to get on his knees in front of the UN to beg for UN Peacekeepers. Make that bleeding ass-maggot John Bolton get on his knees, too.

Give the UN whatever the fuck they want. Abjectly apologize. Pay our fucking back dues. What cheap-fucks.

Rotate US troops OUT of Iraq as rapidly as UN troops can be rotated in.

UN to aid the Iraqi people to create their own government in whatever style they like, including some sort of Islamic theocracy, including partitioning the country as necessary to give each ethnic and religious group some acceptable level of autonomy, insuring an equitable means of dividing up the oil revenues.

The US to pay war reparations to Iraq for three generations, not less than $1,000,000,000,000.

The US to disarm and reduce military spending to $45 Billion per year total including everything, even veterans benefits.

Bush, Cheney, Rice, Powell, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, and whomever else is responsible for the invasion to stand trial in The Hague for Crimes Against Humanity.

The entire US gulag to be disassembled, prisoners released, and compensated at US $100,000 per year of incarceration.

Those involved in torture to stand trial along side Poopypants, et al.

"Go fuck yourself!"
-- VP "Dick" Cheney on the floor of the United States Senate
Some say we should light a candle rather than curse the darkness. I say we should first beat the living shit out of him, and THEN light the candle. Fewer witnesses that way. And I'm STILL a Nobel Prize Nominee, you fuckers! I've been nominated for the Fields Medal, too! So there!


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